Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Frangelico Honey Panna Cotta

Frangelico Honey Panna Cotta


based on a recipe by Martha Stewart

2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup wildflower honey
1/2 cup whole milk
3 T Frangelico

Place six ramekins (3 inches in diameter, 1 1/2 inches deep) in the refrigerator until cold.

Put 3 tablespoons cool water into a medium bowl. Sprinkle in the gelatin; let stand until gelatin has softened, about 5 minutes. Stir together cream and honey in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring to dissolve honey, until bubbles form at edges, about 2 minutes. Pour cream mixture into bowl with gelatin; whisk until gelatin has dissolved. Stir in milk. Pour cream mixture into chilled ramekins. Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours.

Run knife around edge of ramekin. To serve, dip 1 ramekin in a bowl of hot water for 20 seconds, making sure water does not reach rim. Invert panna cotta onto a dessert plate, gently shaking and tapping ramekin to unmold. If unmolding is difficult, return the ramekin to hot water briefly. Repeat to unmold the remaining panna cottas.

Top with chopped hazelnut and serve.


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